Archivos 1971-2002

1 may, 2002 - 1 june, 2002 /
Sabatini Building, Floor 3
Cover of the catalogue of Archivos 1971-2002
Cover of the catalogue of Archivos 1971-2002

The Archivos de la Literatura Latinoamericana collection is a literary dissemination project on the masters of Latin American literature. More than fifty titles in Spanish, Portuguese, but also in French and English Caribbean review the panorama of literature on the American continent. The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía celebrates this exhibition, which overlaps with the general repertoire of Archivos, where all published titles are displayed and the great diversity of Latin American literature can be admired as a whole. The first author to become part of the Archivos is the Guatemalan Miguel Ángel Asturias; he is also the writer who has published the most books in this collection, a total of nine works.

Other big names follow him, the Argentine Adolfo Bioy Casares, Julio Cortázar and Ernesto Sábato. Chileans also like Vicente Huidobro -to whom the Museo Reina Sofía dedicated an exhibition in 2001- Gabriela Mistral and Mariano Latorre. Also to be noted are Brazilians such as Oswald de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira, Lúcio Cardoso, Clarice Lispector and João Guimarães Rosa. Among Mexicans are Rosario Castellanos, Ramón López Velarde, Gilberto Owen, José Vasconcelos and Agustín Yáñez. There are also Peruvians such as César Moro, José María Eguren, Manuel González Prada and César Vallejo.

The Portuguese José María Eça de Queirós, the Spanish Miguel de Unamuno y Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, and writers from Paraguay, Cuba, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Guyana, French Guiana, Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Dominica and Senegal, complete the representation.

The editions, managed by Amos Segala, pay special attention to the context of the work. The books are organised through a functional structure comprising of, firstly the text and the scriptural monument restored to its original form, and secondly specific studies and critical essays that consider a multidisciplinary approach to the work.

The editions in this exhibition will be accompanied by the paintings and drawings that illustrate the covers of each of the books. Among the illustrators, some of them the actual authors are: Antonio Berni, Luis Caballero, Fernando Cánovas, Antonio Costa Pinheiro, José Gamarra, Alejandro Obregón, Joaquín Roca Rey and Juan Soriano, to whose work the Museo Reina Sofia dedicated a retrospective in 1997, and finally, Francisco Toledo, also honoured by the Museum with a solo exhibition in 2000.

Exhibition´s details

Organized by: 
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía