Defiant Muses
Mario Merz
Time Is Mute
Jörg Immendorff
The Task of the Painter
Henrik Olesen
Dora García
Second Time Around which is in fact the first
Marc Pataut
First Attempts
Russian Dada 1914–1924
Luigi Ghirri
The Map and the Territory
Dorothea Tanning
Behind the Door, Another Invisible Door
Luis Camnitzer
Hospice of Failed Utopias
Dierk Schmidt
Guilt and Debts
All Art is a Form of Literature
Lost, Loose and Loved
Foreign Artists in Paris 1944-1968
Kobro and Strzemiński
Avant-Garde Prototypes
Franz Erhard Walther
Esther Ferrer. All Variations Are Valid, Including this One
Rémy Zaugg
The Question of Perception
Campo Cerrado. Spanish Art 1939 - 1953
Marcel Broodthaers
A Retrospective
Anne-Marie Schneider
Txomin Badiola. Another Family Plot
Dear reader. Don't read.
White Fire
The Kunstmuseum Basel Modern Collection
Juan Luis Moraza
Not yet. On the Reinvention of Documentary and the Critique of Modernism
Essays and Documents [1972-1991]
Carl Andre
Sculpture as Place 1958-2010
Ree Morton
Be a Place, Place an Image, Imagine a Poem
Nasreen Mohamedi
Waiting Is a Part of Intense Living
Ignasi Aballí
sin principio / sin final - without beginning / without end