Film and Video

The audiovisual programs are intended to counteract the predo mina nt model of the black cube, even at a time in which both film and video have become fully integrated and dissolved into contemporary art museums. Their aim is to explore the projected image using different formats and discourses: historical series that broaden – and question – the narrations told by the Collection, retrospectives that draw attention to other stories in the audiovisual history and programs that examine the close links that film and video have with contemporary artistic practices. At the same time, this programming seeks to define a space for film and video outside of the usual circuits, describing itineraries distinct from the spectacle and its derivatives.    

Seminarios y Conferencias

Museo Reina Sofía, in its role as a vehicle of knowledge and reflection, as well as an impulse for new spaces for experimentation, creation and dissemination of contemporary art, sets in motion a number of diverse lines of thought and debate. The development of research, analysis and debate frameworks which can imbue the narrative of the Collection with an additional dimension, as well as the programming of exhibitions.The setting in motion of discussion forums on key issues of contemporary debate relevant to the museum as an institution dedicated to providing citizens with frameworks for the critical analysis of culture.The experimentation with alternative methods of mediation between the citizens and the museum's proposals, taking up as a starting point the experience of artists and of the agents with whom the museum establishes collaboration.


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  • Museum network
  • Museum network
    Rogelio López Cuenca. Sin título. Image from the project Ciudad Picasso, 2010.

    Picasso in the Monster Institution. Art, the Culture Industry and the Right to the City

    This seminar, framed inside the European network Midstream, seeks to reflect on the role of culture in those social movements that vindicate uses of urban space outside a city model which looks towards art to strengthen tourist imaginaries, thus conditioning its institutions and reception. The lectures, held in Málaga, examine the way Picasso is used to shape the contemporary city.

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    Rogelio López Cuenca. Casi todo de Picasso, 2011

    En la ciudad genial. Taller con Rogelio López Cuenca y Elo Vega

    Este taller, que se presentó el 26 de marzo de 2017 en el marco del seminario Picasso en la institución monstruo. Arte, industria cultural y derecho a la ciudad en La Casa Invisible, parte de la intervención en el ámbito local de Málaga del grupo de investigación coordinado por los artistas Rogelio López Cuenca y Elo Vega, a partir de la reflexión sobre la explotación de la ciudad como objetivo para el consumo del turismo cultural.

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    Diego del Pozo, 2014

    Itineraries for a... Really Useful Knowledge

    The exhibition Really Useful Knowledge endeavours to position the notion of critical pedagogy as a crucial element in collective struggles, and explore the tension between individual and social emancipation through education with examples that are both historical and current.

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    Parte posterior de un sobre enviado por Artpool en 2006.Los sellos de goma usados fueron hechos por György Galántai en 1995 (Cortesía de Artpool Art Research Center)

    Archives of the Common II. The Anomic Archive

    The role the archive plays in contemporary culture, by virtue of its powerful metaphorical potential and as a tool of knowledge and resistance, has been broadly explored in many exhibitions, publications and encounters over the past two decades.

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    Exhibition view. Daniel G. Andújar. Operating System, 2015

    Archives of the commons

    In this seminar, Fundación de los Comunes, Red de Conceptualismos del Sur and Museo Reina Sofía put forward a reflection on issues of social, cultural and political memory through the work of archives that guard, transmit and produce public memory generated by the current forms of social action conservation, which also shuts out major parts of collective experience from dominant discourse.

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    David Goldblatt. Woman smoking, Fordsburg, Johannesburg, 1975. Fotografía. Museo Reina Sofía

    Women’s Politics. A conversation between Rita Laura Segato and Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar

    Inside the framework of International Women’s Day, a conversation is set up between anthropologist Rita Laura Segato and sociologist Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar as they seek to pinpoint the inequalities that still exist today under a range of focal points: from gender violence and domestic slavery to the coloniality of power used strategically as an objective of war by some states.

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    Mario Fontenel. Congresso Internacional de críticos de arte, Brasilia. Opening, 1959

    Congresso Internacional Extraordinário dos Críticos de Arte, 1959

    In Brazil, in 1959, the International Congress of Art Critics was held, a symposium where artists, architects, art and architectural historians were brought together to debate the role of modernity in a new world surfacing in the post-war period. This new reading of the minutes sets out to activate the document, understood as a performative exercise of a past utopian episode that still has huge potency and resonates in a present time in which art history and critique have been displaced from their role and public influence.

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    Roberto Jacoby. 1968: el culo te abrocho. Cartel intervenido, 2008

    Populism. A Dialogue on Art, Representation and Institutions in the Crisis of Democracy. A Conversation between Chantal Mouffe and Didier Eribon

    This conversation takes place inside the public programme Dialogues, formulated by the museum confederation L’Internationale, and departs from four core areas, inviting different thinkers, artists and activists to address terms which resonate in the present. The activity sees political theorist Chantal Mouffe and the philosopher Didier Eribon debate the term populism in relation to citizen representation and cultural institutions.

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    Mário Pedrosa, Brazilian writer and art critic, Meudon (at Alberto Magnelli's home), 1969 © Alécio de Andrade, VEGAP, Madrid, 2017

    Mário Pedrosa. On the Affective Nature of Form

    Mário Pedrosa (Pernambuco, 1900 - Río de Janeiro, 1981) was one of the foremost 20th-century Brazilian and Latin American thinkers. A critic, politician and sociologist, Pedrosa embodied the paradigm of the public intellectual committed to the debate over the future of society, both politically and culturally, and was a spokesperson in the forming of Brazil’s modern culture.

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    Mário Pedrosa, archive image. Photography, 1960

    Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro and Michelle Sommer

    This activity introduces the thinking of the Brazilian intellectual inside the space of the retrospective dedicated to his work. The talk seeks to disseminate his main ideas in connection with the artists and works that accompany his reflections. Mário Pedrosa (Pernambuco, 1900 – Rio de Janeiro, 1981) was a tireless critic and historian and the author of a unique concept of modernity, whereby art, as he put it, is the “experimental exercise of freedom”.

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    Equipo Crónica. El realismo socialista y el Pop Art en el campo de batalla (Socialist Realism and Pop Art in the Battle Field), 1969. Painting, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía collection. Long-term loan of Manuel Valdés, 2010

    Cold Atlantic. Cultural War, Dissident Artistic Practices, Networks and Contact Zones at the Time of the Iron Curtain

    The international conference Cold Atlantic will examine the artistic, cultural and aesthetic exchanges produced between the USA, Europe, Africa and Latin America during the Cold War. The aim is to highlight the axes of alignment and artistic exchange between the geopolitically minor actors that were trapped inside the huge theatrical strategy from this period. The conference, which will be conducted through round-table discussions, lectures and dialogue, organised through an open international process, looks to recover relatively unstudied nodes of cultural influence and dissemination in its aim to decentralise the Paris-New York axis that still dominates and is ubiquitous in studies on the Cold War and its artistic incarnations, thus fostering discussion that grants a voice to the forms of cultural expression that materialised outside official power structures.

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    Núria Güell and Levi Orta, Arte político degenerado, 2014. Photograph courtesy of Eva Carol

    Degenerated Political Art. Ethical Protocol

    Can strategies of capital be replicated to build horizontal social dynamics? As part of an action in the Really Useful Knowledge exhibition, artists Núria Güell and Levi Orta donate bank accounts in tax havens to a group of activists, who will use this route to attack the system that produces it. The project culminates in this seminar, which is organised by both artists.

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    Diego de Pozo, Whisperers, 2014

    Public action for Really Useful Knowledge

    A programme of actions and activities within the context of the exhibition Really Useful Knowledge, devised by the collective Subtramas (Diego del Pozo, Montse Romaní and Virginia Villaplana). These actions take place inside the galleries of the exhibition and feature participation from different social and cultural collectives.