Pilar Aymerich Prisión de mujeres de la Trinidad el día que se marcharon las monjas Cruzadas... 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author
Pilar Aymerich Presas en el patio de la cárcel (Inmates in the Prison Yard) 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author
Pilar Aymerich Entrada de las funcionarias de prisiones (Prison Officers' Entrance) 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author
Pilar Aymerich Taller de las presas (Inmates' Workshop) 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author, 2018
Pilar Aymerich Peluquería en la prisión (Prison Hair Salon) 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author, 2018
Pilar Aymerich Dormitorios de la prisión de mujeres de la Trinidad (Bedrooms for Inmates at Trinidad... 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author, 2018
Pilar Aymerich Comedores de la prisión de mujeres de la Trinidad (The Canteen in Trinidad Women's Prison) 1978 (May) / Later print, by the author, 2018
Pilar Aymerich Manifestación por la despenalización del aborto (Demonstration for the... 1983 (March) / Later print, by the author, 2018
Pilar Aymerich Manifestación por la despenalización del aborto (Demonstration for the... 1983 (March) / Later print, by the author, 2018
Pilar Aymerich Manifestación por la despenalización del aborto (Demonstration for the... 1983 (March) / Later print, by the author
Margarita Azurdia De la serie «Homenaje a Guatemala: María» (From the Series "Homage to Guatemala: María") 1971-1974
Luis Bagaría i Bou Explicacions del sabio teutón sobre «Les heroïcitats» (Explanations by the Wise Teuton... 1914-1918
Luis Bagaría i Bou La retirada alemana. Una mala digestión (The German Retreat. Bad Digestion) 1914-1918
Luis Bagaría i Bou La víctima del submarino. ¡¡Asesinos, asesinos!! (The Submarine Victim. Murderers,... 1914-1918 Room 207.01
Luis Bagaría i Bou Don Liberal español. “¡¡Pasen, pasen señores!! Vean esta maravilla de insensibilidad ... 1923
Maja Bajevic Arts, Crafts and Facts (Distribution of Wealth, Top 5%, Top 20%, Second 20%, Third 20%,... 2017
Maja Bajevic Arts, Crafts and Facts (100% Productivity, +77% Total Compensation/Inflation, + 30%... 2018