Anónimo Members of La Barraca Setting up the Stage for the Production of “The Vigilant Sentinel... 1932 (July) / Later print
Anónimo Members of La Barraca Setting up the Stage for the Production of “The Vigilant Sentinel... 1932 (July) / Later print
Anónimo La Barraca. Scene from the Auto Sacramental “Life is a Dream” by Calderón de la Barca,... 1932 / Later print
Anónimo Production by La Barraca of the Auto Sacramental “Life is a Dream” by Calderón de la... 1932 (25th October) / Vintage print
Anónimo Arturo Sáenz de Tejada in the Role of "Fire" for La Barraca´s Production of the Auto... 1932 / Later print
Anónimo Federico García Lorca in the Role of "Shadow" for La Barraca's Production of the Auto... 1932 / Later print
Anónimo Federico García Lorca in the Role of "Shadow" for La Barraca's Production of the Auto... 1932 / Later print
Anónimo Federico García Lorca Reading a Text before La Barraca's Production of “The Vigilant... 1932 (July) / Vintage print Room 205.17
Anónimo Stage Set Up by Members of the La Barraca Theatre Company for the Performance of “The... 1932 (July) / Later print
Anónimo La Barraca. Scene from the Auto Sacramental “Life is a Dream” by Calderón de la Barca,... 1932 / Later print Room 205.17
Anónimo Eduardo Ugarte and Federico García Lorca on one of La Barraca’s Trips 1932 / Later print, 2012
Anónimo La Barraca Theatre Company. A Scene, with Benjamín Palencia’s Set Design, of the ... 1932 / Later print
Anónimo Diego Marín in La Barraca’s Performance of “The Careful Guard”, by Miguel de Cervantes ... 1932 (July) / Later print
Anónimo Federico García Lorca in the Role of "Shadow" for La Barraca's Performance of Auto... 1932 / Vintage print
Anónimo María del Carmen García Lasgoity, Federico García Lorca, Isabel García Lorca and... 1933 (15th August) / Vintage print
Anónimo Traje masculino castellano «paleto», para la obra escénica «La Romería de los Cornudos»... 1933 Room 205.12
Anónimo Público durante una representación teatral. Misiones Pedagógicas (Audience During a... 1934 (circa) Room 205.17
Anónimo Representación teatral. Misiones Pedagógicas (Theatrical Production. Pedagogical Missions) 1934 (circa) Room 205.17
Anónimo Montaje de escenario. Misiones Pedagógicas (Setting up the Stage. Pedagogical Missions) 1934 (circa)
Anónimo, Fotógrafo desconocido Atlantic. Style «Trois en un» (Atlantic. Style "Three in One") 1935 (circa)
Anónimo La Barraca’s Performance of “The Gentleman of Olmedo”, by Lope de Vega, with José... 1935 / Later print
Anónimo Mujer con rifle patrullando las calles de Barcelona (Woman with Rifle Patrolling the... 1936 / Vintage press print
Anónimo Enfermeras de la Cruz Roja durante la Guerra Civil, Barcelona (Red Cross Nurses During... 1936 / Vintage press print
Anónimo Próximamente: La revista del pueblo, Umbral, 16 grandes páginas en huecograbado ... 1936-1939
Anónimo La Barraca’s Performance of “Fuenteovejuna”, by Lope de Vega (Ciudad Real) 1936 (February) / Later print
Anónimo La Barraca’s Performance of “Fuenteovejuna”, by Lope de Vega (Ciudad Real) 1936 (February) / Later print
Anónimo Próximamente: La revista del pueblo, Umbral, 16 grandes páginas en huecograbado ... 1937 Room 205.05
Anónimo Mujer con rifle en la defensa de Barcelona (Woman with Rifle Defending Barcelona) 1937 / Vintage press print