Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Community of Madrid’s Cultural Institutions
Study Presentation
Free, until full capacity is reached. Doors open 30 minutes before the activity

Internationally, more and more countries are investigating cultural institutions’ role in the representation of racial and ethnic diversity, their responsibility in the propagation of racial inequality and formulas to implement mechanisms of justice, equity and inclusion in this field. Given the non-existence of in-depth studies in this area, in the case of Spain, in general, and in Madrid, in particular, this research aims to fill this void in relation to the Community of Madrid’s cultural institutions with a view to gaining an idea of the structure of their management teams, governance systems, policies for acquiring artworks, creation of collections, curatorial lines and, in general, their accounts and narratives around this issue.
This presentation will share some of the findings and proposals from the study carried out by researchers José Ariza and Yeison García, inside the framework of the programme of research residencies from the FelipaManuela platform. The objective of this work is to foster the development of intersectional policies of inclusion attuned to the dialogues opening up in European countries, the USA and Latin America.
José Ariza is a researcher who holds a degree in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He also holds an MA in Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Innovations and Applications, and is a PhD student on the programme of Sociology and Anthropology at the same university, where he currently works as a research specialist. Furthermore, he has carried out consultancy work and has been a scientific article evaluator. He is affiliated with SOS Racismo Madrid.
Yeison García is an Afro-Colombian and Afro-Spanish political scientist, researcher and anti-racist activist. He earned a degree in Political Sciences and an MA in Research Methodology in Social Sciences: Innovations and Applications from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and is founder of the Kwanzaa University Afro-descendent Association from the same university, of which he was a member until 2016. He was also coordinator of the Afro Awareness Association and curator of the festival under the same name (2016–2019), and has published the poem collections Voces del impulso (Centro de Estudios Panafricanos, 2016) and Derecho de admisión (La Imprenta, 2021).
Andrea Pacheco González is a researcher, teacher and curator. She holds a degree in Social Communication and an MA in Art Curatorship and New Media from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and is a PhD student in Fine Arts at the same university. She was previously coordinator of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Santiago de Chile and guest curator in Matadero Madrid’s Residency Centre, and is currently the artistic director of FelipaManuela — a contemporary art and culture research platform — and a lecturer at Nebrija University in Madrid. She has worked as an editor on publications such as Juan Castillo. Geometría Emocional (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago, 2021) and Sombras ocultas en el tiempo (FelipaManuela, Archive Books, 2022).
Mabel Tapia is deputy artistic director at Museo Reina Sofía.