Proposals: Manifesto. I Speak for My Difference
Tour of the Collection

In conjunction with World Pride 2017 in Madrid, the Museo Reina Sofía proposes a micro-tour around the gallery The "Social Danger Act”, Public Space and Transvestism in Late ‘70s Spain, which, as part of the Collection, features works by Ocaña, Nazario, Joaquín de Molina, Manuel Quejido, Ivan Zulueta and Colita.
Furthermore, the Museo will increase the number of visits to the transversal tour Feminisms, which explores the Collection from this perspective.
Two round-table discussions will also be conducted on this subject matter, whereby, on 6 July, a debate will unfold around ¿Archivo Queer? (Queer Archive?), a project promoted by the Museo Reina Sofía which encompasses materials and documents from LGTBIQ activism in Spain in the 1990s, predominantly related to the Madrid collectives La Radical Gai and LSD.