Videonale 11. Selection from the Bonn Festival
The 2007 festival featured more than 650 works from which an international jury - Cecilia Anderson, independent curator (Stockholm), Karen van den Berg, art historian at Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen), Katja Davar, artist, Tomasz Wendland, artist and curator at the IF Museum Inner Spaces (Poznan) and Georg Elben - chose 48 representative pieces from a broad spectrum of contemporary video. In Madrid, 31 videos are being shown in three programmes approximately one hour long each. Each programme can be seen as the experience of an imaginary visitor who becomes carried away by the exhibition and stops in front of these works, surprised by the varied artistic approaches. The pieces being shown include Fuck the War (Beate Geissler and Oliver Sann, 2006), which won the Videonale 11 jury award.