Enlace-47. Pedro Garhel

The series literally begins with a chain reaction presented by Fischli (Zurich, 1952) & Weiss (Zurich, 1946) in Der Lauf der Dinge (1987) that uses daily objects. It follows with Archivadores en archivo (2007) by Ignacio Uriarte (Krefeld, 1972), a strange choreography executed by archivists, and continues with the animated feature Who I Am and What I Want (2005) by David Shrigley (Macclesfield, 1968). The animal factor is introduced by an acting elephant, who follows instructions in the video by Douglas Gordon (Glasgow, 1966) Play Dead, Real Time (Other Way) (2003), and is repeated in El Gringo (2003), where some dogs attack a strange object: the camera of the author, Francis Alÿs (Antwerp, 1959). Christian Jankowski (Göttingen, 1968), for his part, turns viewers into sheep in Flock (2002). The art system is also represented humorously by Jesper Dalgaard (Skive, 1974) in Hele Vejen Rundt Og Tilbage Igen (2005). Finally, Bestué (Barcelona, 1980) / Vives (Barcelona, 1978) uses the domain of daily home life in Acciones en casa (2005) to present another chain reaction, in this case one full of artistic references.
Presented by Montse Badia, art director of the Cal Cego Contemporary Art Collection.