Enlace-36. Constanze Ruhm

15 september, 2008
Sabatini Building, Auditorium
Constanze Ruhm. X Love Scenes / Pearls Without a Strings, 2007
Constanze Ruhm. X Love Scenes / Pearls Without a Strings, 2007

X Love Scenes is an attempt to rewrite the legacy of modernist film in terms of the construction of female identity. Like the earlier works in the series, it is part of an interdisciplinary project that investigates the different types of female identities in the context of contemporary art, focusing on the history of cinematic and theatrical forms in conjunction with the role of new forms of media and entertainment. X Love Scenes consists of five sequences that play with the identity of an actress who adopts different roles during the filming of the movie.

Constanze Ruhm interlinks installation, film/video, texts/publications, curated projects, web pages and productions in public spaces. Her work has been exhibited at the Busan, Berlin and Venice Biennales, among others, and in 2004 she had a solo exhibition at the Bern Kunsthalle.

X Love Scenes, 2007, Betacam Digital, colour, sound, 58’